Comments on: Our Greatest Challenge as Visionaries Explained Advocate for a New Story of Our AGE Sun, 30 Jun 2019 13:29:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Fri, 13 Jan 2012 12:47:53 +0000 Yes women’s self esteem ranks #1 on the hit parade of what keeps us stuck in viscious downward cycles of self inflicted abuse. It is a big mind shift to embrace and modulate. Sounds like you are on board to meet and tame our greatest challenge! Your comments make my day!

By: Jane Purcell Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:38:16 +0000 Karen, you’ve presented OUR GREATEST CHALLENGE (and path to a solution) in the clearest, most practical, most approachable way I could ever imagine. Thank you! And thanks for not attempting to offer a quick fix where there is none. Thank you for not insisting that the harsh inner voice must be obliterated before one’s visionary voice can be heard. Instead, working hard at tweaking the relative volumes of these competing voices, while recognizing and gradually giving actual “voice” to one’s visionary voice–that’s a process I KNOW I can embrace–RIGHT NOW! –JP
