Rhythms and Cycles | Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com Advocate for a New Story of Our AGE Sun, 06 Oct 2019 17:43:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.karensands.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-Favicon.512x512-32x32.jpg Rhythms and Cycles | Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com 32 32 94420881 Future Cast Your Long Term Success https://www.karensands.com/uncategorized/future-cast-your-long-term-success/ https://www.karensands.com/uncategorized/future-cast-your-long-term-success/#respond Sun, 27 Oct 2019 10:39:40 +0000 http://karensands.flywheelsites.com/?p=7310 Everyone wants long term success. But it is elusive for most. Long term success is dependent on knowing where you are now and where you are headed. Then closing the gap. Frequently. Continuously.  Whether it’s your business, your career or your life at home., it’s easy to get off track, lose touch or get buried […]

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Everyone wants long term success. But it is elusive for most.

Long term success is dependent on knowing where you are now and where you are headed. Then closing the gap. Frequently. Continuously.  Whether it’s your business, your career or your life at home., it’s easy to get off track, lose touch or get buried under. Without a true sense of where you are in the moment, it is impossible to realize your dreams or be a leader in your field.

Re-calibrate your profound knowledge

The only way we can take 100% responsibility for sustaining our success is to keep re-calibrating-in every aspect of our lives and organizations.

Key to successful recalibration is to acquire what my dear departed mentor, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, coined as Profound Knowledge. This umbrella phrase emphasizes understanding change and how to measure it, being aware of emerging trends and shifts, and learning how to apply this knowledge to leading and sustaining long term success.

Bottom line: If we don’t acquire Profound Knowledge we cannot know how to prepare for and leverage coming change, thus how to sustain our success long term.

Understanding change means understanding shifts in our personal world as well as tracking trends that capsize us, overtake us, or cause us to flounder.

Learning the Hard Way

Unfortunately one of my Gen X male clients learned this the hard way. A rising star in his field and recently married, he was planning far a great future for his kids, tons of time for fun and all the trappings of success. As if out of the blue, the rug got pulled out from under him. His “Happy Homemaker” wife fled, saying I’m out of here!

Somewhere along the way there was a breakdown or perhaps many small fissures below the surface. Had they been recalibrating an checking in with each other, communicating the truth of what was so for each of them…perhaps they could have saved their marriage…or at least ended it with love, grace, and forgiveness.

Even in the most secure relationships, unexpected change happens to ruffle our plans. A recently returned to work mother of teenage kids reported that her new career is now going gangbusters and she no longer worries about the empty-nest . But, the new ripple in her life is that her once very successful husband, in his late 40’s, now faces an unknown future. Surprised by the shifts in his industry, “suddenly” he and his business partner are facing the probability of closing their doors. What once appeared to be the sure path to their dreams, is no crumbling beneath them.

Change is inevitable. If you can learn what Profound Knowledge is and apply it you can avoid these same pitfalls and NOT LEARN THE HARD WAY!

What steps are you going to take to future cast your long term success?

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Failure Files/ Negative Mindset/Guest Post https://www.karensands.com/ageless/failure-files-negative-mindset-guest-post/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/failure-files-negative-mindset-guest-post/#respond Mon, 25 Jun 2018 23:48:15 +0000 http://karensands.flywheelsites.com/?p=7929 Bad things happen. We lose a job. A loved one dies. We divorce. We suffer a health issue. A natural disaster occurs. When disaster surrounds us, how is your mindset? Do you cuss and cry and wallow in pity, or do you regroup and step forward with determination? If you slip into a negative mindset, […]

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Bad things happen. We lose a job. A loved one dies. We divorce. We suffer a health issue. A natural disaster occurs. When disaster surrounds us, how is your mindset? Do you cuss and cry and wallow in pity, or do you regroup and step forward with determination? If you slip into a negative mindset, it can quickly lead to other or contribute to existing failures.

2009 was the year disaster came my way. It started by quitting my job to salvage a marriage of 19 years. By midyear I divorced, left the state, and had half the assets my husband and I stringently built, never expecting to divorce. My grandfather died in July. I suffered a health issue Thanksgiving Day. My father suffered an injury that left him severely brain damaged. Let’s not forget the economic turmoil and I was 45 years old, unemployed, and in a new state (geographical as well as mental mindset).

It was tough to bounce back after the last half of 2009. While I did everything right on the outside to deal with the loss, inside was where the storm raged.

For 3 years.
During those years, I battled what I thought was the biggest obstacle to my success: introversion. I attended up to 5 networking events per week, within a 150 mile radius to build awareness for my business.

Growth occurred externally, but internally, I continued to grieve all I lost in 2009. While I blamed myself for much of the sorrow, I was also guilty of waiting for things to improve on their own.
It wasn’t until my mother, still grieving the loss of her husband (who was in a semi-vegetative state) said, “Nothing every goes right for our little family.”
“That’s not true!” I insisted. When she asked me to prove it, however, I couldn’t. We had been so locked in our negative mindset that growth and peace continued to evade us. The dark clouds still hovered and I was appalled by my negativity. I could have done something to end the storm.

Blowing the Clouds Away

It started with a smile. A soul-deep smile that radiated throughout the body. A smile that would attract people rather than keep them at a distance.
Next, I sought positivity in the past tragedies and applied it to the growth and opportunity in the present. With these tools, smiling became easier and I didn’t feel so mentally weighed down.

Glimpses of Light

The Universe observed my activity. It wasn’t going to immediately give me a thumbs-up and lay out a shiny red carpet in front of me. Nope. It tested me. A new lead backed out at the last minute. A client wasn’t pleased with my services. I got bronchitis. Twice. My laptop died. I was tempted to slip back into the storm, but moved forward instead.
Then tiny things happened. I slept better. Clients sent referrals. Migraines diminished. My blog took on new life as I focused on entrepreneurship and life after 50.
My rebrand progressed until Dad died November 2015. There were a few related setbacks but they didn’t hold me for long.
Until June 2017. I lost my two largest clients due to budget cuts and suddenly had no money coming in. This was a huge trial for me, but I kept going.

The Results of a Positive Mindset

The gloom faded quickly.
The storm didn’t infect other aspects of life.
Opportunities were easier to identify.
Additionally, I could dedicate myself fully to my rebrand without other projects competing for my time and attention.
Armed with these super powers, I got back to business with fire and determination. In under 2 months I got published in 6 online publications and was ASKED to become associate editor for Boomalally magazine.
Lessons learned:
Blow the clouds away.
Believe in yourself.
Trust yourself.
Test your limits and push past them.
Take risks.
Ignore the naysayers
Abandon the self-pity. It only gives others the opportunity to race past you.
Don’t waste another minute. Too much has already been wasted.
Make every moment count.
Furthermore, SMILE!
Recently, my mother sent a text message saying she’s having a burst of happiness. When I encouraged her to have more, she said, “I’m not normally a positive person, so I’m sure you have something to do with it.”
That certainly made me smile.
Are you ready to smile again? You’ll quickly discover that a positive mindset is contagious.
Kristen Edens
Managing Midlife

Kristen Edens is a content and brand development specialist for business. She is the founder of the Managing Midlife blog and covers topics of finance, second acts, and caregiving for the Sandwich Generation. Her writing has been featured at Business.com, Booming Encore, Small Business Monthly, St. Louis Women’s Journal, Missouri SourceLink, Better After 50, and Thrive Global. Her latest adventure is becoming the associate editor and oracle of inspiration for Boomalally, a magazine dedicated to those celebrating a life well lived after 50.


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VIA Talk: Getting Paid What You Are Worth https://www.karensands.com/ageless/via-talk-getting-paid-what-you-are-worth/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/via-talk-getting-paid-what-you-are-worth/#respond Sun, 06 May 2018 11:09:05 +0000 http://karensands.flywheelsites.com/?p=7884 Get ready for a cognitive jolt to your assumptions, opening the way to envisioning new alternative futures in the Aging Space for your organization, your community and for yourself as a more confident and highly valued CSA. You will have the opportunity to examine the hottest topic on the minds of leading CSAs and newbies […]

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Get ready for a cognitive jolt to your assumptions, opening the way to envisioning new alternative futures in the Aging Space for your organization, your community and for yourself as a more confident and highly valued CSA.

You will have the opportunity to examine the hottest topic on the minds of leading CSAs and newbies alike.

Join me to kick-start a unique conversation on how to turn what keeps CSAs like you up at night into assets for the Longevity Economy.

Insights gained will become the foundation for developing and implementing effective, innovative – yes, even visionary, new approaches.


Karen Sands

Leading GeroFuturist™ best-selling author, firecracker speaker, game changer, and thought leader on the Longevity Economy, 40+ market, the business of aging, and ageless aging. A world-class trusted advisor, Master Certified Coach and expert authority, Karen boldly advocates for the new story of our age.  Karen guides go-getter entrepreneurs, trailblazers, and visionary leaders to their niche in the global business of aging while evolving their role in response to this new narrative. Karen is an in-demand speaker known for dynamic presentations and a remarkable gift for captivating any audience!

Contact Information: http://www.karensands.com/ | 203-266-1100 | Karen@KarenSands.com| https://www.linkedin.com/in/karensands/

The Ageless Way
The Ageless Way – A Companion Journal/Workbook
The Greatness Challenge
Gray is the New Green
Visionaries Have Wrinkles
Visionaries Have Wrinkles Reflections Journal
Visionaries Have Wrinkles Reflections Card Deck
Ageless Reinvention (Releasing 2018-2019)
Mastering Reinvention for Midlife & Beyond – (Re-releasing 2018-2019)

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The Greatness Challenge: Excerpt https://www.karensands.com/visionary/the-greatness-challenge-excerpt/ https://www.karensands.com/visionary/the-greatness-challenge-excerpt/#respond Sun, 15 Oct 2017 11:34:18 +0000 http://karensands.flywheelsites.com/?p=7294 In this manifesto, I beseech you to belly up to the realization that we can no longer afford to rest on our laurels. The world is shifting to a different playing field, one New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman says is “flattened by instant connectivity.” If we don’t wake up in time to retool for […]

The post The Greatness Challenge: Excerpt first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
In this manifesto, I beseech you to belly up to the realization that we can no longer afford to rest on our laurels. The world is shifting to a different playing field, one New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman says is “flattened by instant connectivity.” If we don’t wake up in time to retool for this new epoch, we may find ourselves sucked into the backdraft of the future.


However, from the vibrating heart of our dissipating structures comes the promise of our true greatness: a greatness of awareness and action that will change the world. From the midst of the evolving Great Transition, we leave the Great Recession and the uplifting Obama era behind us as we enter an unknown, unchartered new cycle of populism and extreme radicalism ripping our valued democratic tenets to shreds and putting each of us on the line.  This Great Shift demands that we each unlock our potential for greatness which lives in each of us, and we are being called to make a difference. That is the premise of The Greatness Challenge, in which I offer a template for embracing and embodying our unique Signature Greatness DNASM to unleash our personal and collective greatness.


The Greatness Challenge is a manifesto for the growing wave of us who want to add value in all we do and who are being called to personal and collective evolution—from dentists to doctors, executives to engineers, artists to teachers and visionary leaders and futurists who are looking to redesign their lives so that every moment counts . . . for those of you who seek work that not only fills your bank accounts but your “values” bank as you yearn to do well doing good . . . for leaders who seek a pathway to visionary leadership, so the impact you have is of the greatest benefit for all.


To be one of the first to hear about The Greatness Challenge when it releases join us in the Secret Facebook Group here.

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Time Out https://www.karensands.com/making-a-difference/time-out/ https://www.karensands.com/making-a-difference/time-out/#comments Wed, 27 May 2015 18:09:22 +0000 http://karensands.flywheelsites.com/?p=4979   Springtime is all about renewal and rebirthing … aren’t we supposed to feel energized and rarin’ to go? Yet, instead, do you find yourself struggling to stay on top of all that needs attention in your life, never mind finding time for relaxation and pleasure? Forget about extreme Self-care! Clients, colleagues, and friends are […]

The post Time Out first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>

flower-391607-hSpringtime is all about renewal and rebirthing … aren’t we supposed to feel energized and rarin’ to go? Yet, instead, do you find yourself struggling to stay on top of all that needs attention in your life, never mind finding time for relaxation and pleasure? Forget about extreme Self-care!

Clients, colleagues, and friends are describing a dreadful slowly-engulfing malaise besetting more and more of us. Synthesized down, they all agree: I feel as if I can’t pull it out anymore. I can’t rebound again. I can’t get it up again. Most are running low on patience, tolerance, and hope. All are feeling an inability to keep on keepin’ on.

We live in a fast-paced world which affects our ability to accomplish all we set out to do and often results in stress and anxiety, regardless of our age. For those of us over 40, energy may be diminished further by sandwich generation caregiving, changes in hormones and body chemistry, and a higher risk of degenerative diseases as we age, etc.

Something has to give, but what is it?

Not to worry … there are ways to address the fatigue of overwhelm and reduce or eliminate the stress from draining aspects of life. Ok, so you can’t increase the number of hours in a day … but you can start now with some simple ways to increase your energy and heighten your ability to tackle tasks and enjoy your life with more gusto.

Nature teaches us that everything has its own rhythms and cycles, with highs and lows — all with built-in pause time. No surprise I refer to our meno-pause as a time to reflect, re-sort, renew, recharge — our Time Out — before we recycle into a new phase or age of life. The same requirements to “rest” or cycle down, be still, and center exist whether working out, in the midst of your creative process, or dealing with the attention span of a board or team. Take a look at any drawing depicting any process change, even the s-curves of business maturity models — everything has to cycle down for optimum recovery before recycling back into a new upward curve fueling new innovation and greater longevity.

In his 2013 New York Times article, Relax! You’ll Be More Productive, author Tony Schwartz offers what seems like a counterintuitive suggestion for reducing stress and renewing the energy which is central to enhanced performance and greater accomplishment: taking more downtime.

Schwartz suggests we aren’t meant to constantly expend energy, but to “pulse between spending and recovering energy” – a kind of “economy of physiology dance.” How many times have you reached for a cup o’ caffeinated joe or a sweet snack to heighten your energy when feeling a bit depleted?

Instead of such choices, which override the body’s signals to relax and restore, Schwartz shares how at his own company “renewal is central to how we work.” There is a room where staff can nap, meditate, or just relax. Understanding that more vacation is positively impactful, they offer four weeks off from the outset. Management encourages lunches away from the office (particularly with others), renewal breaks throughout the day, and unplugging from technology when away from work.

According to the article, “…it’s not how long, but how well, you renew that matters most in terms of performance. Even renewal requires practice. The more rapidly and deeply I learned to quiet my mind and relax my body, the more restored I felt afterward.”

By managing energy more skillfully, Schwartz asserts, it’s possible to get more done, in less time, more sustainably. “In a decade, no one has ever chosen to leave the company. Our secret is simple — and generally applicable. When we’re renewing, we’re truly renewing, so when we’re working, we can really work.”

How do you do with holidays and weekends? Are you mentally in your office or truly on a Time Out? What have you found works best for you to allow for dis-engagement and renewed connection?


(Image Credit: photo by d10n2000, flickr.com)

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