Comments on: Innovation in Our 50s and Beyond Advocate for a New Story of Our AGE Sun, 19 Aug 2018 15:13:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:45:22 +0000 In reply to Arun.

Love hearing that your empty nest became an innovation cooker. How goes it with your new business? Thankfully yes, with age we gain so much more to bring to bear on our mid and later year entrepreneurship.

By: Karen Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:41:56 +0000 In reply to Arun.

Bravo for stepping into your ‘what’s next’ — Yes experience and wisdom are key. Did you know that those of us over 55 who start new businesses are 2-3x more likely to succeed than those younger? I’d love to hear more, please keep me posted.

By: Arun Mon, 01 Oct 2012 10:02:05 +0000 With college exspenes over, children on their own, and faced with an empty-nest, I knew it was time to start a business. I never let age be a factor in the decision to become an entrepreneur. With age, comes experience and hopefully more wisdom.
