Time With Sands | Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com Advocate for a New Story of Our AGE Sat, 13 May 2023 13:36:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.karensands.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-Favicon.512x512-32x32.jpg Time With Sands | Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com 32 32 94420881 Time With Sands – Mother’s Day https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-mothers-day/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-mothers-day/#respond Sat, 13 May 2023 13:33:10 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11097 Does Mother’s Day hold any deeper significance? I’ve been thinking more and more about the role of mother’s and how we hold so much, but are often unappreciated. And it gets worse as we age! – Nancy H.   Your mitochondrial DNA can trace your maternal ancestry back hundreds of thousands of years. A “Mitochondrial […]

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This Week's Question

Does Mother’s Day hold any deeper significance? I’ve been thinking more and more about the role of mother’s and how we hold so much, but are often unappreciated. And it gets worse as we age!

– Nancy H.


Karen's Answer

Your mitochondrial DNA can trace your maternal ancestry back hundreds of thousands of years. A “Mitochondrial Eve” existed, which every human on this planet began inheriting this genetic substance from—the original mother. 

Many years later, in the amphitheaters of Ancient Greece, the Oracles embodied Gaia—the Mother Earth and source of all life. In Hinduism, Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy. She is represented as a goddess because women hold the power of creation. Shakti is also seen as the energy of maintenance and destruction.

People all throughout history have worshiped at the altars of the Divine and Dark Feminine.

The deeper significance of Mother’s Day is that it’s linked to these ancient goddesses of motherhood, who were revered and celebrated. Today, in America, we celebrate Mother’s Day, which was created in 1908 by Anna Jarvis. However, she later denounced the holiday because of its commercialization!

It is a day to express gratitude, affection, and respect to the mothers and grandmothers who have nurtured and supported us throughout our lives. But it is also a time to reflect, reevaluate, and work to change how we treat our women, especially older women, at any point in time (like you’ve included in your question). 

How can you dive deeper into what it is to celebrate the women and mothers in your life? How open can you be to accept the love and acknowledgment of yourself as a mother and Divine Feminine being?

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Time With Sands – Showcasing Your Experience https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-showcasing-your-experience/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-showcasing-your-experience/#respond Sat, 06 May 2023 15:27:35 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11084 I’m an older professional and I know my worth. Still, despite my title and many years of experience, I can sense that my perspective and recommendations are not being properly valued or listened to. How can I engage with my colleagues so as to remind them of my expertise without coming across as threatening or […]

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This Week's Question

I’m an older professional and I know my worth. Still, despite my title and many years of experience, I can sense that my perspective and recommendations are not being properly valued or listened to. How can I engage with my colleagues so as to remind them of my expertise without coming across as threatening or argumentative?

–  Evelyn D.


Karen's Answer

What I’ve learned over the years as an older professional myself, and I know my worth, as you, and have many high titles and years of experience; but coming in the door, what people want is to know that I am present, and that I have presence. I bring presence to the fore, and I bring presents with me: my talents, skills, experience, my whole background is what I bring to the table. But when I come in the door and flash all my assets, no one wants to be pitched. But if I keep my cover, learn the rules of the road, query and chat everyone up, then when I have something to say, I’ll be heard. 

You can still be the anchor or the visionary pathfinder, but it’s not about reminding everyone of your expertise, it’s about sharing ideas. “Have you considered–?”, “Has this been tried–?” Bring yourself back to ways in which you’re a part of this alignment around a vision and purpose toward cohesiveness and profitability for the team. 

It’s also a fabulous time to leave the company to check out new avenues, to become an intrapreneur or fly free as an entrepreneur or in a strategic partnership—now is an excellent time to do so. It’s not an answer, but an alternative, after you try coming into the room with presence and presents.

What other strategies do you use to balance showcasing your experience and expertise with being present and engaging with your colleagues? 

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Time With Sands – New Leadership https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-new-leadership/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-new-leadership/#respond Sat, 29 Apr 2023 15:07:34 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11079 How can we achieve visibility as advocates, authors, teachers, activists, and navigators through non-traditional leadership roles? – Barb N. In these times, we are redefining everything. Everything is over. What we knew worked in the past, no longer does. Bring out that new whiteboard. Start by listing the top 5 characteristics of a the non […]

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This Week's Question

How can we achieve visibility as advocates, authors, teachers, activists, and navigators through non-traditional leadership roles?

– Barb N.

Karen's Answer

In these times, we are redefining everything. Everything is over. What we knew worked in the past, no longer does. Bring out that new whiteboard. Start by listing the top 5 characteristics of a the non traditional, visionary leader you desire to be for these VUCA times.

What are the qualities of the visionary non-traditional leader? There are no rules, nothing set in stone to aspire to be. So create your list from scratch with no holds barred. All of us can choose to embody those traits. Then take one of these 5 traits per week with the intention to exemplify only one new trait for your chosen time frame. Notice and notate how you do with this exercise. Be gentle with yourself as this is a new way of being, which you are trying on for ‘best fit’ and relevance. If you find yourself slipping into old ways of leading and being, just witness, self-correct, and start over again. Rinse and repeat until you master incorporating and integrating each of the 5 traits in succession, adding one more trait per new time period. These new traits will embed faster and be more sustainable if you keep a journal to notate during each day when you slip and when you celebrate a win, then end your day by reviewing. Let go of what didn’t work, and embrace what did. Make sure to give yourself permission to be on a learning curve; this is an ongoing leadership developmental process, not an end-point.

Erase everything that was and envision for yourself on the blank white board in front of you.

CAUTION: Just be sure you aren’t settling by naming this process a “reinvention” if all you are efforting to do will only move around the same furniture in the same office, then don’t bother. But if you are ready to find a new office and decorate anew, then keep going. Truth is that if you are committed to making impactful change, then you must be willing to drop all preconceived notions and expectations. Only then will you truly change the trajectory of your role to one of a Visionary Leader blazing new trails.

Bucky Fuller explained that “a problem adequately stated…is a problem well on its way to being solved.” The trailblazing leader is someone who can first identify and articulate the true challenges of today…and tomorrow. The trailblazer who can fully and adequately state the underlying and interconnecting challenge(s), is most likely to fully offer innovative answers.

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Time With Sands – Societal Ageism https://www.karensands.com/tws/tws-societal-ageism/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/tws-societal-ageism/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 15:58:54 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11076 How can we begin to address the social and cultural biases against older generations? I recognize the problem in the media for sure, but also in my workplace and in everyday life. — Ben C. Addressing the social and cultural biases against older generations firstly involves education, awareness, and advocacy. This is the work of […]

The post Time With Sands – Societal Ageism first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
This Week's Question

How can we begin to address the social and cultural biases against older generations? I recognize the problem in the media for sure, but also in my workplace and in everyday life.

— Ben C.

Karen's Answer

Addressing the social and cultural biases against older generations firstly involves education, awareness, and advocacy. This is the work of people like myself in the aging & longevity space and its various ecosystems.

We aim to increase awareness of the negative impact of ageism and age-based stereotypes. Even the slightest bits of ageism—like children dressing up as “old” for Halloween—all add up to the larger real-life issues our older generations face.

One way you can begin to actively combat ageism in your everyday life is to challenge age-based biases when they occur. Speak up when you hear ageist comments or jokes, comment on news articles that promote these stereotypes or biases, and begin to advocate for policies and practices that work to combat ageism across all generations.

In the workplace, emphasis the need for diversity and inclusivity, including age diversity. Work to create a workplace culture that values and respects the contributions of all employees.

The problems of ageism, and really any issue we face as a society, will require intergenerational relationships and dialogue. Let’s foster understanding and respect between people across all generations. We can accomplish this through community programs, social events, and mentoring programs that bring people of different ages together.

How are you working to actively combat ageism in your community? What can you do to foster intergenerational relationships in your home, workplace, and community?

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https://www.karensands.com/tws/tws-societal-ageism/feed/ 0 11076
Time With Sands – Recruiting Older Workers https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-recruiting-older-workers/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-recruiting-older-workers/#respond Sat, 15 Apr 2023 15:12:27 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11074 What are the most effective strategies for recruiting, retaining, and engaging older workers? I recognize the value in their work and the overall need for inclusion for the success of my business, but I have not started the process of recruitment.  – Trish H. Start. The most important step has already been taken—a business owner […]

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This Week's Question

What are the most effective strategies for recruiting, retaining, and engaging older workers? I recognize the value in their work and the overall need for inclusion for the success of my business, but I have not started the process of recruitment. 

– Trish H.

Karen's Answer

Start. The most important step has already been taken—a business owner recognizing the importance of and value in employing people across generations. Many times we just need to begin and figure the rest out along the way.

Consider implementing age-inclusive hiring practices, like using age-neutral language in job advertisements and offering flexible work arrangements. You could also provide training to help older workers update their skills.

It’s essential to foster a work culture that is inclusive. Intergenerational workplaces that foster creativity and collaboration might involve a complete re-work of your office space and benefits you offer your employees. Do you have ergonomic workstations? Does your office culture encourage collaboration across departments? Do you offer health and wellness programs?

Leverage the strengths and talents of older workers. Create a more diverse, productive, and inclusive workforce that benefits everyone.

What’s holding you back from accomplishing these goals in your business?

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Time With Sands – Spring Cleaning https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-spring-cleaning/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-spring-cleaning/#respond Sat, 08 Apr 2023 09:56:53 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11070 I’ve been feeling the need for a little “spring cleaning” in my life. I don’t feel as motivated to do much of anything. How can I begin to get back to feeling like myself and start the projects I’ve been wanting to do? – Tracy W. Spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation, and […]

The post Time With Sands – Spring Cleaning first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
This Week's Question

I’ve been feeling the need for a little “spring cleaning” in my life. I don’t feel as motivated to do much of anything. How can I begin to get back to feeling like myself and start the projects I’ve been wanting to do?

– Tracy W.

Karen's Answer

Spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation, and it’s an excellent time to embark on a “spring cleaning” of your life. Just as nature sheds its old leaves and blossoms with new flowers, you can shed your old habits and start fresh.

Remember the themes of springtime holidays, like Easter and Passover, where stories of despair ultimately lead to redemption. These remind us that even in the darkest of times, there’s always hope and a chance for salvation.

Your “spring cleaning”  could involve decluttering your physical space or reevaluating your priorities and goals. Additionally, taking small steps towards your desired projects can help build momentum and restore your sense of motivation. Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

Many people find that the arrival of spring motivates them to make positive changes in their lives. If you’re looking for guidance and support to achieve your goals, a transformational coaching session with me will help provide you with clarity and the tools you need.

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Time With Sands – Care Workers Appreciation Month https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-care-workers-appreciation-month/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-care-workers-appreciation-month/#respond Sat, 01 Apr 2023 13:14:15 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11022 April was just named Care Workers Appreciation Month! Is this a sign that we are moving in a direction to address the issues of our aging population? – Cassandra J. This was great news! We can certainly see this as a step in the right direction for the realities we are facing—and will continue to […]

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This Week's Question

April was just named Care Workers Appreciation Month! Is this a sign that we are moving in a direction to address the issues of our aging population?

– Cassandra J.

Karen's Answer

This was great news! We can certainly see this as a step in the right direction for the realities we are facing—and will continue to face—in the aging ecosystem. Care Workers are absolutely essential and yet they are “among the lowest-paid workers in America,” according to the White House’s “A Proclamation on Care Workers Appreciation Month.”

By 2030 we will have 1 Personal and Home Health Aide for every 33 people in need, if we continue on the path we’re on now. Gerontology programs and enrollments have dropped astronomically and 45% of U.S. medical schools do not require the study of geriatrics. This is a larger problem than many people realize.

This is exactly why I’m so adamant that the Longevity Economy and the study of Gerontology are important to develop now and into the future.

So yes, we are moving in the right direction, but we need to pick up speed. The Pandemic led to a shift in workers rights and a search for greater meaning and purpose. But without attention and funding even the most passionate workers cannot continue their work.

Our Care Workers are so important for our future. They have purpose, so let’s support them in every way we can. 

How are you showing the Care Workers in your community that you appreciate them? Are you being called to work in the field yourself? If so, what’s holding you back?

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Time With Sands – Gendered Ageism https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-gendered-ageism-2/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-gendered-ageism-2/#respond Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:18:15 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11020 My experience has been that as I have gotten older, it seems I am getting more and more invisible to the corporate leadership, while the aging men seem to get more power and respect. As has long been the case, a man’s wrinkles and gray hair are signs of distinction; in a woman, they often […]

The post Time With Sands – Gendered Ageism first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
This Week's Question

My experience has been that as I have gotten older, it seems I am getting more and more invisible to the corporate leadership, while the aging men seem to get more power and respect. As has long been the case, a man’s wrinkles and gray hair are signs of distinction; in a woman, they often are treated with disdain. What are we older women professionals to do?

– Beth H.

Karen's Answer

You can’t stop progress: all the studies show that women’s leadership, compared with men’s, makes a hugely positive impact on the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet & Profit. But what is important about now and going forward is that there are more of us women, especially older women, in positions of power as leaders, intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs. Plus now in the 4th wave of the women’s movement (aka, feminism) we have more self and collective agency and authority than ever before. No longer in the shadows, unseen, unheard. Our sovereignty is not for sale nor will it be relinquished!

Yet, as it has been for generations long before us, when we combine ageism and sexism—or ageism and, God forbid, misogyny—they are merged together in a molotov-like explosive potion, wreaking havoc on women’s careers, stifling their aspirations, and messing with their lives in general. Gendered ageism seeps its way into many areas of our lives. 

Women suffer more than men when it comes to ageism and stereotyping, as societally women are considered more invisible, more irrelevant, inconsequential, etc., as they age. This is an important conversation to pursue because the reality is that women are the leaders of the future.Women are moving us into a whole new paradigm shift because women do mean business…Big Business!

Women consumers are the ones that are doing the buying and also are in the workforce bringing in their own money. They are now in more and more positions of leadership and we know from tons of research that women in leadership positions are making a humongous difference to the bottom line, as well as to the culture itself.

Bottom line: All women—with older women leading the way—mean bigger business, so the workplace and marketplace have got to catch up to serving these women, not only as consumers, but as employees and as leaders of the future themselves. Each of us cannot let ourselves be considered irrelevant or over-the-hill at any age or stage. That takes us standing up, standing out, and stepping forward and not worrying about making waves, realizing that this is the time for women to lead. It’s our time to Rock Our AGE!℠

So again, this means women professionals must keep on keepin’ on! It’s our time to step forward into our own feminine leadership shoes—be they old or newbies. I encourage you to be more of who you are meant to be in every realm at every age. Rest assured both women and the men in our lives have everything to gain when we show up!

How are you addressing gendered ageism in your communities and workplaces?


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Time With Sands – Clubhouse Interview https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-clubhouse-interview/ https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-clubhouse-interview/#respond Sat, 18 Mar 2023 14:56:31 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11010 I heard you on a Clubhouse interview with Linda Sherman! Can you speak more on women leaders and effecting change for the future, especially older women?  – Winona G.   Yes, I’m glad that you were able to hear that discussion! For those of you who did not here is the link: Rethinking Aging In […]

The post Time With Sands – Clubhouse Interview first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
This Week's Question

I heard you on a Clubhouse interview with Linda Sherman! Can you speak more on women leaders and effecting change for the future, especially older women? 

– Winona G.


Karen's Answer

Yes, I’m glad that you were able to hear that discussion! For those of you who did not here is the link: Rethinking Aging

In my talk I discussed how many of us in the aging ecosystems are usually catapulted into it by a major life event or some momentous shift. We’re called to this work by experience and we bring that experience and drive with us all the way through.

For me, a life-altering phone call with my mother when I was 28 years old made me realize that I didn’t know what my future held…and I needed to know. What is the future of a woman? What is the future for older women?

As we begin to align with our calling and our Soul purpose, we have the potential to emerge as Ageless Elders (only a fraction of us reach true Eldership). Many women and people leading with Feminine qualities do so with more Wholistic value-driven vision to attain & surpass their goals. They have people and the future in mind. Mother Gaia in Greek mythology is the personification of Earth. In Hinduism Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy that flows and guides our universe, and is feminine in nature. It seems only fitting to return to the FInner Feminine (in all genders & generations) and let it guide us. 

We are in the 11th hour, meaning that we have to act NOW if we’re going to have a future. Many young people don’t even think there is a future for them. People in midlife and beyond are feeling the weight of this, being pushed out of spaces and watching our resources dwindle while we are forced to navigate VUCA Times (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity).

Let’s make every generation’s issues, our issues as a people. Intergenerational cooperation should happen at home, in our communities, in our workplaces, and everywhere in between.

The Longevity Economy and the study of Gerontology lead, served and, received by predominantly women to women, is the future for women and the future for all generations. To imagine a better future we must believe there is one, truly connect with each other across all intersectionalities, and work together to combat the issues we’re all currently facing.

We have a future. Let’s plan for it.

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https://www.karensands.com/tws/time-with-sands-clubhouse-interview/feed/ 0 11010
Time With Sands – Inspiring Women Part 2 https://www.karensands.com/uncategorized/time-with-sands-inspiring-women-part-2/ https://www.karensands.com/uncategorized/time-with-sands-inspiring-women-part-2/#respond Sat, 04 Mar 2023 16:53:43 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=10983 In celebration of Women’s month I would like to know your list of the top women who inspire you, whether they’re authors, entrepreneurs, artists, or futurists like yourself! — Jane B. What a fantastic way to celebrate Women’s month! It was hard to choose a list that would fit in this format. I’ve categorized them […]

The post Time With Sands – Inspiring Women Part 2 first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
This Week's Question

In celebration of Women’s month I would like to know your list of the top women who inspire you, whether they’re authors, entrepreneurs, artists, or futurists like yourself!

— Jane B.

Karen's Answer

What a fantastic way to celebrate Women’s month! It was hard to choose a list that would fit in this format. I’ve categorized them and included a blurb for each extraordinary woman.



Adriane Berg is a broadcaster, speaker, and consultant. She is also the host of the Generational Bold Podcast. 

Ana João Sepulveda is the President of Age Friendly Portugal and a global leader and speaker on longevity.

Anna A. Tavis, PhD. is a Clinical Professor at NYU, author, researcher, and coach.

Anna Pereira is the CEO of The Wellness Universe, the Chairwoman Soul Ventures, and an author and mentor.

Barbara Waxman MS, MPA, PCC is the founder of Odyssey Group Coaching, as well as a gerontologist, speaker, author. 

Bonnie Marcus is  one of the new breed of  “Gendered Ageism” experts, an executive coach, author, keynote speaker, Forbes Columnist, and host of the podcast Badass Women At Any Age.

Bernadette Melnyk is the VP for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer, Dean of the College of Nursing.

Debbie Marshall is Managing Director of Silver Marketing Association, UK.

Debra Gibson, N.D. is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine.

Dr. Tracey Gendron is the Chair for the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Gerontology and the Executive Director of the Virginia Center on Aging, a keynote speaker, and author.

Elizabeth Isele is the founder and CEO of Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship and the leading woman on the immense value of the older person as entrepreneurs.

Esther (Semsei) Greenhouse, M.S. is the CEO of Silver To Gold Strategies. She is an ​​Environmental Gerontologist and Longevity Economy Strategist.

Jacquelyn James is the Co-director, Center on Aging & Work at Boston College.

Jane Silk is the CMO of Silver Marketing Association, UK.

Jean Galiana MASM is a gerontologist and an author.

Jeanette Leardi is a Social Gerontologist, Public Speaker, Community Educator, independent Writer and Editor.

Katy Fike Ph.D. is the Co-Founder of Aging2.0. and gerontologist.

Maddy Dychtwald is an author and speaker (among other things) on aging and the global economy.

Nancy Griffin is the Founder of SeniorTrade, podcaster, and journalist. 

Paula Marie Usrey, M.S., CPRC is the Founder of Boomer Best U, author, and speaker.

Sharon Solomon Rose is a Social Gerontologist working to foster intergenerational companies and communities.

Sky Bergman is a wonderful photographer and filmmaker, showing how people between 75-100 (or more) are living their best lives. 

Stella Fosse is an author who hosts writing workshops, with a focus on the issue of gendered ageism.

Susan Flory is a broadcast media consultant and the creator of The Big Middle podcast.



Amy Webb is a quantitative futurist and author.

Anne Boysen is a speaker and futurist.

April Rinne is a keynote speaker, futurist, and author. 

Cindy Frewen, FAIA, PhD is an architect, urban futurist, adjunct professor, and writer.

Dr. Claire A. Nelson is one of Forbes 50 Female Futurists, a sustainability engineer, consultant, and a White House Champion of Change.

Duena Blomstrom  is an author, keynote speaker, and the founder of CPO. 

Elatia Abate is a Forbes Female Futurist and a global keynote speaker.

Emma Pezzack is the Co-Founder of the Femme Futurists Society.

Erica Orange is the EVP & COO of The Future Hunters.

Heather E. McGowan is a futurist, keynote speaker, corporate strategist, author, and a partner at ImpactEleven.

Joyce Gioia, MBA, CSP, CMC, FIMC is a strategic business futurist.

Julie Friedman Steele is the CEO and Board Chair of the World Future Society, an entrepreneur and investor.

Mimi Stokes is a futurist, with an emphasis on sustainability and the teachings of Greek Drama.

Nancy Giordano is the Co-Founder of the Femme Futurists Society, futurist, keynote speaker, and author.

Patricia Lustig is the CEO of LASA Insight and a board member of the Association of Professional Futurists.

Riane Eisler is the President at Center for Partnership Systems and an author, futurist, speaker, and consultant.

Robin Champ is the Chief of the Enterprise Strategy Division for the U.S. Secret Service and a Strategy and Foresight Leader.

Sari Stenfors is a futurist and strategist who has founded over 20 new businesses.

Wendy Schultz is the Director of Infinite Futures.



Annalisa Enrile, Ph.D (USC) is a game changer professor, program lead of the first Phd program focused on practitioners vs. academic tenure track graduates, and writer.

Brigette Hyacinth is the author of Leading the Workforce of the Future and a keynote speaker.

Carol Gorelick Ed.D, MBA is a consultant, professor, author, practitioner, and mentor.

Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D. is a speaker on Leadership Presence and Body Language and an author.

Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach is the Managing Director for The ExCo Leadership Group, a writer, speaker, and leadership coach.

Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. is an anti-racism educator, DEI consultant, speaker, trainer, workshop facilitator, and writer.

Kelly Swingler is psychologist, executive coach, speaker, and author.

Marie Cini is a higher education leader and innovator.

Maureen Metcalf  is the CEO of the Innovative Leadership Institute, a speaker, author, and radio host.

Michele Gibbons-Carr, Ph.D is a psychologist, coach, professor, and organizational consultant.



Ursula Reeg is a corporate trainer.


Hannah Morgan is a job search strategist, speaker, and trainer.

Helen Harkness PhD is a career consultant, coach, and owner of Career Design Associates, Inc.

Joan Learn is a career and job search consultant.



Deborah Levine is a Forbes D&I Trailblazer, award-winning author, founder/editor American Diversity Report, and Cognitive Diversity inventor.

Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. works to promote anti-racism in the workplace, is a DEI Consultant, TEDx Speaker, and Forbes Senior Contributor.

Neivia Justa is a Communication, Culture, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Leader.

Netta Jenkins, MBA (As Seen on Forbes) is a diversity and inclusion executive, author, and Co-Founder of Dipper.


Barbara (Hessekiel) Waxman MS, MPA, PCC is a leadership coach, gerontologist, speaker, author, and an aging and longevity angel investor.

Melinda French Gates is the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the founder of Pivotal Ventures, and author of The Moment of Lift.



Arianna Huffington is the co-founder of The Huffington Post, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, and author.

Dorie Clark is a strategy consultant, executive coach, and keynote speaker.

Katie Couric is a journalist, presenter, producer, and author.

Michelle Goldberg is a journalist, author, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times.

Mika Brzezinski is a journalist, talk show host, political commentator, author, and co-hosts MSNBC’s show, Morning Joe. A spokeswoman for women. 

Rachel Maddow is the host of the Rachel Maddow Show and an author.


Carole Hyatt is the founder and president at Mission: Getting to Next and multiple book author.

Gloria Feldt is a leadership speaker, author, co-founder/president of Take The Lead, and a gender parity and diversity/inclusion expert.

Suzanne Levine is an author and editor, who writes about women and their place at the table.



Anna Ivara is a facilitator and teacher, specializing in Personal Development and Alternative Therapy.

Carolyn Conger, PhD is the owner of Conger Seminars. She is a consultant and teacher, focusing on psychological growth and spirituality.

Marion Woodman (deceased) was an author, poet, analytical psychologist, and women’s movement figure.

Sidra Stone is co-founder with her husband, Hal Stone (deceased) of Voice Dialogue International and an independent professional training and coaching professional. She has co-authored and authored multiple titles. My favorite is Shadow King—a must read for all teen girls and women.



Frances Hesselbein (deceased) is the former CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA, the president and CEO of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum, and was my dear friend and long-time mentor.

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