Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com Advocate for a New Story of Our AGE Wed, 01 May 2024 07:32:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.karensands.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-Favicon.512x512-32x32.jpg Karen Sands https://www.karensands.com 32 32 94420881 The Mature Feminine and Profitability: Why the Crone Means Business https://www.karensands.com/ageless/the-mature-feminine-and-profitability-why-the-crone-means-business/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/the-mature-feminine-and-profitability-why-the-crone-means-business/#respond Wed, 01 May 2024 07:32:02 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11415 Human beings are in their eleventh hour. Wildfires are raging across the globe while temperatures are soaring; a pandemic has taken the lives of millions and no end is in sight; political decisions are being made that are limiting the freedoms that many of us fought so hard to gain, and war crimes are being […]

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Human beings are in their eleventh hour. Wildfires are raging across the globe while temperatures are soaring; a pandemic has taken the lives of millions and no end is in sight; political decisions are being made that are limiting the freedoms that many of us fought so hard to gain, and war crimes are being committed as sovereign nations struggle to maintain their autonomy. These are troubling times and the only way of finding a solution will involve a complete paradigm shift.

A new approach involves valuing wisdom and the more traditionally feminine ways of seeing and being in the world. Only by doing so, can we approach life’s challenges with what I call Whole Brain Foresight™—a more intergenerational, relational macro view of the world that values the interconnectedness of all things and the profound value of the Triple Bottom Line of people, planet and profits.

Leaders across all sectors are struggling to find their footing in our VUCA world. For women leaders who are 40+ this task becomes increasingly more difficult as we face the harsh realities of the conflation of sexism and ageism. Nevertheless, women visionary leaders are positioned to have a great impact in the workplace and beyond. McKinsey & Company found that businesses that had gender diversity in their leadership team had a 25% higher chance of excess profits. Further, research done by the Universities of Glasgow and Leicester found that companies with at least 30% of their executive team being female, outperformed those that did not meet that threshold.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

The qualities of the archetypal Inner Feminine are poised to aid in times of uncertainty: the ability to see things through a macro lens, focusing on the bigger picture and how each discrete element affects the whole. The Inner Feminine is fluid, a vessel that is open, responsive; versus a straight line that is focused on one “target.” It is the wave and not the particle. Relational, responsive, interconnected. Its potential is embodied in both men and women.

These times demand we invoke and evoke these qualities as leaders in the workspace, the marketplace and in our own space. It is the mature women of today who have already earned their stripes in the hallowed halls of hard knocks, climbing ladders, creating new businesses, raising families and caretaking all at the same time…women 40+ have already proven we have what it takes. We are already leading the way forward into a more ageless, diverse, model of leadership; one of Whole systems of self-directed future-oriented whole leaders and teams based on a “we” model of intergenerational collaboration where the “Whole is truly more than the sum of its parts.” Encore.org currently runs a program to bring age diversity into schools, communities, workplaces, and more, to create co-generational solutions to everyday problems.

We no longer have the luxury of time; it is imperative to raise our sights (and odds) for a sustainable future by bringing on more Crones who mean business to lead us through what’s emerging from these VUCA times.

Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey
Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey

There is a growing loss of reverence in all hierarchical systems—where traditionally leaders ruled by power over versus power with (e.g., from SCOTUS to CEOs). That leadership is crumbling, giving way to more self-directed models of how we lead. And these new models are all based on the core descriptors of the Inner Crone, coming from a place of wholeness, and wellness and collaboration to contribute to the bottom line. And that is, more characteristically, the description of mature “feminine leadership.”

Fast forward to today: On the one hand, the urgency and enormity of the leadership task ahead for all of us, most especially mature women, compounds everything we already know about the import and impact of women—most especially those over 40, as experienced honed leaders at the board table, consumers in the marketplace and women around the kitchen table. Yet here we are again: Women’s Rights remain an issue across the globe. Climate migration will impact
women and older generations the most. Mature women are the majority of global caretakers, whilst many of them are also in revered positions of influence and decision-making in every sector. Women age 55 and older are projected to make up over 25% of the women’s labor force by 2024, which is almost double their share from 2020 US Equal Opportunity Commission (2018). BLS Data is projecting that women will represent 82% of the over -55 workforce by 2022.

Now it’s time for more seats at the boardroom table and more choice at the kitchen table so that mature women with highly developed archetypal Crone energy can elevate us all into a new more highly evolved win-win-win futures where the Triple Bottom Line rules. The Deloitte Global Boardroom Program reported that in 2019 the global average for women on board teams was only at 19.7%.

Women leaders in a VUCA world must reclaim their self-sovereignty. Mature women leaders—the wise women and the archetypal Crone—embody wisdom and mastery. Their Inner Feminine offers access to wisdom-mastery and knowing; their Inner Masculine provides skilled-mastery and learned knowledge. The mature Inner Feminine archetypal wisdom is what we all need to source in these times of great transitions.

Frances Hesselbein
Frances Hesselbein

Now is the time to leverage change to our advantage, to radically reinvent and regenerate ourselves and our world through innovative and conscious businesses and C-suite and board leadership. This means reaping the most rewards by melding a larger visionary purpose into our business models. More people, organizations, and businesses will profit by following women’s innate leadership until visionary future-oriented leadership practices become the norm.

The issues we are facing today impact all generations. We are in the Great Shift into (and hopefully out of) being a global dissipative structure. We have only two choices: dissipate and disappear, or transform and rise to a higher evolutionary level.

By applying a “Whole Brain Foresight™” approach to every issue we face now and into the future, we can make better sense of what is happening around us, so that we can come up with fresh strategies that respond to the changing marketplace, the increasingly diverse workforce, and the new economic realities of staying in business. The critical through-line is to stay ahead of the curve of change and the nuances of emerging futures.

Women are already leading the way into our future—particularly those over 40. We can look to a promising tomorrow to the extent to which we listen closely to the voice of the Crone.

The post The Mature Feminine and Profitability: Why the Crone Means Business first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
https://www.karensands.com/ageless/the-mature-feminine-and-profitability-why-the-crone-means-business/feed/ 0 11415
Leading Women To Watch 2024 https://www.karensands.com/ageless/leading-women-to-watch/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/leading-women-to-watch/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 08:37:59 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11264 When women lead the way, other women notice. That’s why it’s so important for us to light the way and lift each other up! The following list includes awesome futurists, authors, educators, coaches & consultants, thought leaders, and more that have inspired me throughout my decades traversing these fields and specialties. I invite you to […]

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When women lead the way, other women notice.

That’s why it’s so important for us to light the way and lift each other up!

The following list includes awesome futurists, authors, educators, coaches & consultants, thought leaders, and more that have inspired me throughout my decades traversing these fields and specialties.

I invite you to explore this list and get inspired by these remarkable trailblazers!

I’m sure I’ve left out key categories and absolutely must-add women. If you have other women to suggest I add, let me know by commenting below!

Aging, Health & Wellness, & Longevity

☀ Ana João Sepulveda President of Age Friendly Portugal

☀ Anna A. Tavis, PhD Clinical Professor at NYU

☀ Anna Pereira CEO of The Wellness Universe & the Chairwoman Soul Ventures

☀ Avivah Wittenberg-Cox Gender expert & CEO at 20-First

☀ Barbara Waxman MS, MPA, PCC Founder of Odyssey Group Coaching

☀ BARBARA O’CONNOR Emeritus Professor at CSU, Sacramento

☀ Bonnie Marcus Gendered Ageism experts & host of Badass Women At Any Age Podcast

☀ Bernadette Melnyk VP for Health Promotion & University Chief Wellness Officer

☀ Carin Upstill is a Business Consultant-Project Manager, CVS HEALTH

☀ Debbie Marshall Managing Director of Silver Marketing Association, UK

☀ Debra Gibson, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

☀ Dr. Tracey Gendron Chair for the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Gerontology & the Executive Director of the Virginia Center on Aging

☀ Elizabeth Isele Founder & CEO of Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship

☀ Esther (Semsei) Greenhouse, M.S. CEO of Silver To Gold Strategies, ​​Environmental Gerontologist & Longevity Economy Strategist

☀ Heather Evanson Brooks is an aging specialist in Senior Housing & Aging inPlace Specialist

☀ Helen Hirsh Spence keynote speaker, longevity literacy coach & trainer. Created Top Sixty Over Sixty, Greater Ottawa, Canada.

☀ Jacynth Bassett anti-ageist activist, Founder of Ageism Is Never in Style & The Bias Cut, United Kingdom

☀ Jacquelyn James Co-director, Center on Aging & Work at Boston College

☀ Jane Silk CMO of Silver Marketing Association, UK

☀ Janine Vanderburg Consultant on reframing aging & creating age-friendly workplaces

☀Jamie Gilbert Strategist in operations marketing & gerontology

☀ Jean Galiana MASM Gerontologist

☀ Jeanette Leardi Social Gerontologist, Public Speaker, Community Educator

☀ Katy Fike Ph.D. Co-Founder of Aging 2.0

☀ Maddy Dychtwald Autho, speaker on aging & the global economy

☀ Nancy Griffin Founder of SeniorTrade

☀ Paula Marie Usrey, M.S., CPRC Founder of Boomer Best U

☀ Sharon Solomon Rose Social Gerontologist working to foster intergenerational companies & communities

☀ Sheila Callaham is the founder of Age Equity Alliance, Braga, Portugal

☀ Sky Bergman Photographer & filmmaker, showing people 75-100+ living their best lives

☀ Stella Fosse Gendered ageism Author

☀ Susan Flory Broadcast media consultant, creator of The Big Middle podcast

☀ Susan Williams Author of Booming Encore

☀ Wendy Green Host of Hey Boomer Live & Transition Coach

☀ Wendy Mayhew Author and experienced entrepreneur advocating for and assisting entrepreneurs at any age with the knowledge and resources to help them become wise entrepreneurs.

Femme Futuristas

Here is my list of must-follow Femme Futuristas:

These are authors, speakers, educators, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and of course, Futurists, who are leading us into a greater future for ALL generations.

☀ Amy Webb Quantitative Futurist & author

☀ Anne Boysen Speaker & futurist

☀ Amy Zalman Global Security Futurist | Deloitte | National War College | World Future Society

☀ April Rinne Keynote speaker, futurist, & author

☀ Ashley Mosaic Dickinson Executive Coach & Strategic Advisor focusing on Human Potential, Societal Shifts, & Emerging Tech.

☀ Cindy Frewen, FAIA, PhD Architect, urban futurist, adjunct professor, & writer

☀ Dr. Claire A. Nelson One of Forbes 50 Female Futurists, a sustainability engineer, consultant, & a White House Champion of Change

☀ Duena Blomstrom  Author, keynote speaker, & the founder of CPO

☀ Elatia Abate Forbes Female Futurist & a global keynote speaker

☀ Emma Pezzack Co-Founder of the Femme Futurists Society

☀ Erica Orange EVP & COO of The Future Hunters

☀ Heather E. McGowan Futurist, keynote speaker, corporate strategist, author, & a partner at ImpactEleven

☀ Joyce Gioia, MBA, CSP, CMC, FIMC Strategic business futurist

☀ Julie Friedman Steele CEO and Board Chair of the World Future Society, an entrepreneur & investor

☀ Mimi Stokes Futurist, with an emphasis on sustainability &the teachings of Greek Drama

☀ Nancy Giordano Co-Founder of the Femme Futurists Society, futurist, keynote speaker, & author

☀ Patricia Lustig CEO of LASA Insight & a board member of the Association of Professional Futurists

☀ Riane Eisler President at Center for Partnership Systems, author, futurist, speaker, & consultant.

☀ Robin Champ Chief of the Enterprise Strategy Division for the U.S. Secret Service & a Strategy and Foresight Leader

☀ Sari Stenfors iFuturist & strategist who has founded over 20 new businesses

☀ Wendy Schultz Director of Infinite Futures, CoFounder of Jigsaw Foresight and faculty at MS in Strategic Foresight, University of Houston

Future of Work

Below is my list of must-follow thought leaders in the fields of DEI, Executive Leadership, Professional Development, and the Transformation of People & Culture.

☀ Adrienne Shoch is a consultant to leadership, teams & organizations with expertise in Presence Leadership and more.

☀ Anna D. Banks, is CEO of THRIVE Leadership Institute, Inc. for entrepreneurship.

☀ Annalisa Enrile, Ph.D (USC) is a game changer professor, program lead of the first Phd program focused on practitioners vs. academic tenure track graduates, and writer.

☀ April Gorelik is a Human Resources Manager working side by side with executive leadership to push the business.

☀ Betsey Upchurch is the Principal at P4 Consulting, LLC; Certified Presence Based Coach focused on creating successful, sustainable organizations that fully support the people in them.

☀ Brigette Hyacinth is the author of Leading the Workforce of the Future and a keynote speaker.

☀ Carol Gorelick Ed.D, MBA is a consultant, professor, author, practitioner, and mentor in creating learning communities of change and organizational transformation.

☀ Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D. is a speaker on Leadership Presence and Body Language and an author.

☀ Dr. Anastassia Lauterbach is the Managing Director for The ExCo Leadership Group, a writer, speaker, and leadership coach.

☀ Elsie Maio is Founding Principal @ Humanity, Inc/SoulBranding℠ Institute | Strategic Foresight

☀ Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. is an anti-racism educator, DEI consultant, speaker, trainer, workshop facilitator, and writer.

☀ Kelly Swingler is psychologist, executive coach, speaker, and author.

☀ Marti Konstant is a workplace futurist tracking emerging trends.

☀ Marie Cini is a higher education leader and innovator, President of Univeristy of the People.

☀ Maureen Metcalf is the CEO of the Innovative Leadership Institute, a speaker, author, and radio host.

☀ Michele Gibbons-Carr, Ph.D is a psychologist, coach, professor, and organizational consultant.

☀ Wendy White is Founder and CEO Continuum Consulting Services and specializes in the human component of making business and organizations successful.

Coaches & Leadership

☀ Jennifer Germaine is a consultant teaching leaders and organizations how to be present, engaged & serve from a higher perspective around their impact.

☀ Ursula Reeg is a corporate trainer.

☀ Laura Goodrich is consultant on innovation & future of work.

☀ Jennifer Hough is an author, speaker, and trainer on the subject of flow & fulfillment. Founder of TEDX Asheville

☀ Barrie Barton is a Speaker’s coach & trainer; founder of Stand

☀ Joanne Wright is a Team Building Coach

Career Trajectory & Job Search

☀  Hannah Morgan is a job search strategist, speaker, and trainer.

☀ Helen Harkness PhD is a career consultant, coach, and owner of Career Design Associates, Inc.

☀ Joan Learn is a career and job search consultant and retirement coach.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

☀ Deborah Levine is a Forbes D&I Trailblazer, award-winning author, founder/editor American Diversity Report, and Cognitive Diversity inventor.

☀ Janice Gassam Asare, Ph.D. works to promote anti-racism in the workplace, is a DEI Consultant, TEDx Speaker, and Forbes Senior Contributor.

☀ Neivia Justa is a Communication, Culture, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Leader.

☀ Netta Jenkins, MBA (As Seen on Forbes) is a diversity and inclusion executive, author, and Co-Founder of Dipper.


Below is my list of must-follow philanthropists, journalists, and other luminaries who explore topics like Women & the Future and Transformational Psycho-Spiritual Development.


☀ Barbara (Hessekiel) Waxman MS, MPA, PCC Leadership coach, gerontologist, speaker, author, and an aging & longevity angel investor

☀Melinda French Gates Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the founder of Pivotal Ventures, & author of The Moment of Lift

Media & Journalists

☀ Arianna Huffington Co-founder of The Huffington Post, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global

☀ Dorie Clark Strategy consultant, executive coach, & keynote speaker

☀ Katie Couric Journalist, presenter, producer, & author

☀ Michelle Goldberg Journalist, & op-ed columnist for The New York Times

☀ Mika Brzezinski Journalist, talk show host, political commentator, author, & co-hosts MSNBC’s show, Morning Joe

☀ Rachel Maddow Host of the Rachel Maddow Show

Women & The Future

☀ Carole Hyatt Founder and president at Mission: Getting to Next & multiple book author

☀ Gloria Feldt Leadership speaker, author, co-founder/president of Take The Lead, & a gender parity and diversity/inclusion expert

☀ Gloria Steinem American journalist & social-political activist. Nationally recognized leader of the second-wave feminism.

☀ Suzanne (Braun) Levine author and editor, who writes about women and their place at the table.

☀ Diana (Dunbar) Place founder of the 333 Collective & Quest conference for Women 50+

Transformational Psycho-Spiritual Exploration/Development

☀ Anna Ivara Facilitator and teacher, specializing in Personal Development and Alternative Therapy

☀ Carolyn Conger, PhD Owner of Conger Seminars. She is a consultant and teacher, focusing on psychological growth and spirituality

☀ Marion Woodman (deceased) was an author, poet, analytical psychologist, and women’s movement figure

☀ Sidra Stone is co-founder with her husband, Hal Stone (deceased) of Voice Dialogue International and an independent professional training and coaching professional. She has co-authored and authored multiple titles. My favorite is Shadow King—a must read for all teen girls and women.

Visionaries in Leadership & The Future of Work

Frances Hesselbein (deceased) is the former CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA, the president and CEO of the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum, and was my dear friend and long-time mentor.

Give them a follow and let me know:

👉 Who’s on your list?

Feel free to drop them in the comments!

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Navigating Workforce Dynamics: Embracing an Aging Workforce https://www.karensands.com/ageless/workforce-dynamics/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/workforce-dynamics/#respond Tue, 19 Dec 2023 13:00:28 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11213 In the dynamic landscape of the modern workforce, the convergence of a declining birth rate and an increase in life expectancy is reshaping the demographics of employees. The once-traditional career trajectory is evolving, and businesses are compelled to adapt to the changing face of the workforce. This transformation is not only a response to demographic […]

The post Navigating Workforce Dynamics: Embracing an Aging Workforce first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
In the dynamic landscape of the modern workforce, the convergence of a declining birth rate and an increase in life expectancy is reshaping the demographics of employees. The once-traditional career trajectory is evolving, and businesses are compelled to adapt to the changing face of the workforce. This transformation is not only a response to demographic shifts but is also exacerbated by a global talent shortage, prompting companies to explore alternative pools of talent. A recent report by Manpower, titled “The Future of Work is Humanpower,” sheds light on how organizations are reevaluating their hiring strategies in light of these demographic changes.

The Rise of an Aging Workforce

As the birth rate declines and people live longer, the global workforce is aging. This paradigm shift has significant implications for businesses across various industries. According to the Manpower report, 34% of the 30,000 employers surveyed in 41 countries acknowledge a growing willingness to hire seniors. This recognition reflects a departure from traditional hiring biases, signaling a pragmatic approach to leverage the experience and skills of mature workers.

Embracing Diversity in Employment Histories

In addition to considering seniors, organizations are also reevaluating their stance on candidates with employment gaps. Approximately 27% of surveyed employers express a newfound openness to candidates who may have experienced career interruptions. This shift in perspective recognizes that valuable skills and perspectives can emerge from individuals with diverse employment histories.

Cultural Adaptations for a Changing Workforce

Businesses committed to staying ahead of the curve are not merely adjusting their hiring practices; they are also recognizing the need for broader cultural adaptations. Creating an inclusive environment that values the contributions of employees across generations is crucial. This includes fostering mentorship programs, flexible work arrangements, and skill development initiatives that cater to the needs of a diverse workforce.

Recruitment Strategies for the Future

To address the challenges posed by an aging workforce, companies are rethinking their recruitment strategies. This involves exploring untapped talent pools, reaching out to mature workers, and implementing age-inclusive language in job advertisements. Moreover, organizations are investing in training programs that enable older employees to adapt to evolving job requirements, ensuring a continuous and relevant skill set.

Retention Efforts and Workplace Flexibility

Retaining experienced employees is becoming a priority for organizations navigating the demographic shift. Companies are recognizing the value of offering flexible work arrangements, phased retirement options, and health and wellness programs tailored to the needs of older employees. These retention efforts not only contribute to the well-being of the workforce but also enhance overall organizational resilience.

The aging workforce, coupled with a global talent shortage, is prompting a paradigm shift in how businesses approach recruitment, retention, and workforce development. Companies that embrace this change are not only future-proofing their operations but also fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. As the dynamics of the workforce continue to evolve, organizations that proactively adapt to these shifts will position themselves as leaders in the future world of work.

Explore extensive insights into the Longevity Economy in my book “Gray is the New Green” for in-depth reading. Uncover significant business opportunities to thrive and succeed in the industry.

Photo by Adolfo Felix on Unsplash
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THE FUNDAMENTALS OF RADICAL SELF-CARE https://www.karensands.com/ageless/radical-self-care/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/radical-self-care/#respond Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:30:05 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11207 Self-care, even radical self-care; and resiliency – I’m sure you’ve come across these phrases lately.  These days, when such ideological buzzwords seem to be everywhere, what does it mean to meaningfully decouple our tendency toward self-absorption from what it takes to provide for the needs of our Souls and the furthering of our deeper, more […]

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Self-care, even radical self-care; and resiliency – I’m sure you’ve come across these phrases lately. 

These days, when such ideological buzzwords seem to be everywhere, what does it mean to meaningfully decouple our tendency toward self-absorption from what it takes to provide for the needs of our Souls and the furthering of our deeper, more humble, desires? I’m not talking about desires based on individual “achievement” or status alone, or around maintaining the ability to support ourselves and our families, but other deeper desires still. Those that may push us in less expected directions to truly achieve our most genuine – and even far-reaching – dreams of living well on Earth. Dreams we all held at one point or another of truly belonging to cohesive, collaborative, win-win-win communities. 

So, the question is: how do we find this balance of nurturing the Self/the individual manifesting deep personal agency, authority, and sovereignty, and yet take up these tools of strength and groundedness in ourselves, our bodies, and our greatest potentials – to tackle the deep and wide needs of our world when it is needed the most?

Though as daunting it may seem, don’t fret: this is the dilemma of our times! We must put our heads together and gather our shared wisdom to devise new, perhaps even untraditional solutions to these issues from a place of deep knowing while tapping into a well of deep personal agency drawing on our earned authority.

Especially in these VUCA times marked by seemingly unending turmoil, it is so striking to me how we find ourselves feeling caught, wedged between the options of providing for ourselves and our world. It is, in fact, not an either/or – but a both/and of our times – the question and the answer!

So, then, what does it really mean to practice “self-care” in these times? Not by seeking personal gain or gratification for its own sake, but by seeking collective gain and gratification. The only kind that endures in space and time beyond our limited individual experience or lifespan. 

How do we do this? By leading our organizations, groups, families, and those around and among us, toward new futures, futures that we ourselves design, to address the issues of the past and present – and those we see up ahead – for a well-being that works for all, and for the good of the planet. 

When we use both foresight and insight to care for the “self” by planning a future that exists separately from our communities, colleagues, and families, we lose the ability to account for the web of ties connecting ourselves and our work to everything else – including that which we can accept in return. We find ourselves at the eleventh hour in this crisis – no one of us single-handedly caused it, but we must not undervalue our future role in mitigating further harms. All those who can, must act while there is still time!

In the weeks, months, and years to come, it will only become more apparent that as human beings and occupants of one planet, we are all tied together, always collaborating and providing for one another, even when we cannot see it

The Earth does this for us too – food, water, air, and all bounty of resources – and we owe it to ourselves, and to all life, to protect and ensure her wellbeing in return.

When we strive to design a future that works for all, we also ensure a future that will provide the greatest potential for personal possibility, self-agency and -authority along with it – for all of us – for at least seven generations to come.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash
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The Reality and Potential of Older Workers in America https://www.karensands.com/ageless/older-workers-potential/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/older-workers-potential/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:18:29 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11203 The American workforce is a tapestry woven with the skills, experiences, and aspirations of individuals from all walks of life. As we examine the landscape, it’s crucial to address the challenges faced by older workers and explore actionable steps to harness their wealth of expertise. Breaking free from stereotypes and securing employment are among the […]

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The American workforce is a tapestry woven with the skills, experiences, and aspirations of individuals from all walks of life. As we examine the landscape, it’s crucial to address the challenges faced by older workers and explore actionable steps to harness their wealth of expertise.

Breaking free from stereotypes and securing employment are among the primary challenges faced by the older workforce.

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, older workers bring a wealth of experience, wisdom, and dedication to the table. Dispelling the myth that age hinders productivity is essential for fostering an environment where the unique strengths of older individuals are acknowledged and utilized to their full potential.

Despite their qualifications and experience, older workers often face challenges in securing employment. Some encounter age-related bias during the hiring process, contributing to longer periods of job searching or even early retirements. Recognizing and addressing these barriers is crucial for creating a more equitable job market.

What untapped potential do older workers possess? Let’s go over a few that your business or organization should utilize.

Lifelong Learning and Adaptability

Older workers are not static in their skills; many are committed to lifelong learning and adapting to evolving industries. Their ability to blend established expertise with a willingness to acquire new skills makes them valuable contributors to workplaces seeking adaptability and a diverse range of talents.

Mentorship and Knowledge Transfer

One of the significant advantages of having older workers in the workforce is their potential to serve as mentors. Their wealth of industry knowledge and experience positions them as valuable resources for younger colleagues, contributing to a culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Navigating Workforce Dynamics

The changing nature of work, including the rise of remote and flexible arrangements, offers opportunities for older workers to thrive. Most especially for caretakers, parents and grandparents of diverse ages. Understanding and adapting to these dynamics can create a workplace that accommodates the diverse needs and preferences of workers across various age groups.

Building Age-Inclusive Workplaces

Creating age-inclusive workplaces goes beyond eradicating age discrimination. It involves fostering an age-friendly environment that values and actively seeks to leverage the diverse talents of workers across different age brackets. Initiatives such as flexible work schedules, mentorship programs, and age-diverse recruitment strategies contribute to building truly inclusive organizations.

The American workforce is undergoing a transformation, with an increasing number of individuals defying traditional retirement norms and choosing to continue contributing their skills and expertise. As we have delved into the reality of older workers in America, it reveals that their experiences and contributions are invaluable assets that deserve recognition and support.

Consider the true benefits that an age-diverse workforce can bring to your workplace. Have you overlooked the untapped potential of older workers?

Photo by Freddy Kearney on Unsplash
The post The Reality and Potential of Older Workers in America first appeared on Karen Sands.]]>
https://www.karensands.com/ageless/older-workers-potential/feed/ 0 11203
The Role of Futurists in Shaping Corporate Success https://www.karensands.com/ageless/futurist-success/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/futurist-success/#respond Wed, 04 Oct 2023 16:21:10 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11198 In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving market dynamics, companies find themselves navigating a landscape of uncertainty. To thrive in such an environment, forward-thinking organizations are increasingly turning to a unique ally: the futurist. Another wonderful article on this subject is “Why Every Organization Needs a Futurist in Residence,” by Tanja Schindler.  […]

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In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving market dynamics, companies find themselves navigating a landscape of uncertainty. To thrive in such an environment, forward-thinking organizations are increasingly turning to a unique ally: the futurist.

Another wonderful article on this subject is “Why Every Organization Needs a Futurist in Residence,” by Tanja Schindler. 

Having a futurist on board might just be the key to unlocking a company’s full potential, appealing not only to big businesses but also to a diverse range of enterprises, including organizations, non-profits, government entities, and higher education institutions.

Futurists are the catalysts of innovation. By imagining future scenarios and identifying potential disruptors, they inspire creative thinking within organizations. Companies that integrate futurists into their teams are better positioned to drive innovation, exploring new ideas and staying at the forefront of industry evolution.

One of the primary reasons companies seek the expertise of futurists is their ability to anticipate trends. By analyzing emerging technologies, social shifts, and economic patterns, futurists help businesses prepare for what lies ahead.

Navigating the future requires strategic decision-making informed by a deep understanding of potential scenarios. Futurists provide valuable insights that empower companies to make informed choices, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities. Whether it’s in product development, marketing strategies, or long-term planning, the foresight of futurists guides decision-makers towards paths that align with future trends.

The business landscape is increasingly characterized by volatility. Companies need to be adaptable and resilient to thrive amid uncertainty. Futurists contribute by fostering a mindset of adaptability within organizations, helping them build structures that can weather change and emerge stronger on the other side.

Understanding the needs and desires of future consumers is critical for sustained success. Futurists, with their ability to predict societal shifts, demographic changes, and emerging consumer preferences, enable companies to tailor their products and services to meet the evolving demands of tomorrow’s market.

In an interconnected world, global events have profound implications for businesses. Futurists, by considering geopolitical, environmental, and socio-economic factors, provide a holistic view of potential scenarios. This global perspective enables companies to develop strategies that account for a wide range of variables.

By embracing these visionary thinkers, organizations not only gain a strategic advantage but also foster a culture of adaptability and innovation that is essential for long-term success. In a world where the only constant is change, having a futurist on board might just be the key to unlocking a company’s full potential.

Create y(our) Futures By Design™.

Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash
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Ageless Odyssey: A Glimpse into a World Without Ageism https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageless-odyssey/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageless-odyssey/#respond Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:22:57 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11188 In the world not so long ago, there existed a pervasive prejudice that had endured through generations: ageism. It had cast its shadow over society, affecting every facet of life, from the workplace to personal relationships. Yet, in the depths of this ageist society, a dream took root—a dream of a future without the burden […]

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In the world not so long ago, there existed a pervasive prejudice that had endured through generations: ageism. It had cast its shadow over society, affecting every facet of life, from the workplace to personal relationships. Yet, in the depths of this ageist society, a dream took root—a dream of a future without the burden of ageism.

To understand what this future vision held, we have to first turn our gaze to the past. In days of yore, ageism was deeply etched into the fabric of cultures worldwide. As people grew older, they often found themselves on the fringes of society, dismissed as less valuable or even entirely irrelevant.

In the workplace, older employees were routinely nudged toward early retirement, or their worth was underestimated when it came to promotions. In the world of media, entertainment, and advertising, older individuals were conspicuously absent, and when they did make an appearance, it was often as caricatures or stereotypes. These biases not only limited opportunities but also chipped away at the self-esteem and well-being of older individuals.

As we fast-forwarded to the future, a world without ageism began to take shape. This is a world where age was not a shackle but a badge of honor, signifying wisdom and experience. In this Ageless realm, equality and mutual respect thrived.

Individuals of all ages have access to equal opportunities. Older workers were celebrated for their expertise, and their contributions were valued and rewarded. Media, advertising, and popular culture portray the rich diversity of age groups authentically. Older individuals are showcased in all their vitality and contributions, dispelling stereotypes once and for all.

The harmful impact of ageism on mental and physical health are a thing of the past. Older adults lead lives brimming with fulfillment, free from the weight of societal prejudice. Ageism has been replaced by harmony. All generations come together, learning from one another, building collaborative teams and communities, and offering mutual support.

Older adults played active roles in innovation and creativity. Their wealth of experience enriched the world with fresh ideas, collaborations, and discoveries. They, in turn, learn from their younger counterparts. Education, personal growth, and professional develop[ment (if desired) are lifelong pursuits for people of all ages, continuously expanding their horizons and developing new skills. These skills fulfill sought after dreams and realizing desires all while adding value and giving back to the community,

Older women, in particular, embraced newfound empowerment. They shattered the shackles of the double discrimination of gendered ageism, leading with confidence and catalyzing change.

In this Ageless life, the past injustices were not forgotten, but they serve as a poignant reminder of the power of change. Society, collectively, embarked on a journey of transformation, creating a New Ageless Story of our AGE. Age is no longer a defining factor; instead, it was the contributions and the richness of experiences that held sway.

And so, the Ageless Odyssey continues, a world where age was just a number, and every person’s journey was celebrated as an indispensable thread in the tapestry of life. In this world, people of all ages thrive, and the dream of a future without ageism has become a triumphant reality—a reality worth believing in and striving for.

Photo by David Clarke on Unsplash
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Gendered Ageism: The Intersection of Age and Gender Discrimination https://www.karensands.com/ageless/gendered-ageism/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/gendered-ageism/#respond Wed, 20 Sep 2023 21:58:28 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11183 This month we have focused on ageism, leading up to Ageism Awareness Day. Ageism often intersects with other forms of discrimination, creating a unique and complex phenomenon. Gendered ageism refers to the intersection of ageism and sexism, where individuals, particularly older women, face discrimination and stereotypes based on both their age and gender.  In this […]

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This month we have focused on ageism, leading up to Ageism Awareness Day. Ageism often intersects with other forms of discrimination, creating a unique and complex phenomenon. Gendered ageism refers to the intersection of ageism and sexism, where individuals, particularly older women, face discrimination and stereotypes based on both their age and gender. 

In this empowering era of the 4th wave of the women’s movement, feminism, we are experiencing an unprecedented level of self-empowerment and collective authority. It’s essential to recognize that what has truly evolved is our ability to isolate and confront yet another form of discrimination: gendered ageism.

In the fight against gendered ageism, there is no single prominent figure or leading proponent, just as there is no solitary champion for dismantling ageism, sexism, or racism in isolation. Instead, we must join forces to disentangle and deconstruct these ‘isms,’ transforming them from divisive deficits into shared assets that enrich our society as a whole.

Our strength lies in our unity, our ability to challenge these systemic prejudices collectively. Together, we can create a more inclusive, equitable world where age, gender, or race no longer serve as barriers to individuals realizing their full potential. In this current era of empowered feminism, we are not just confronting gendered ageism, but also reshaping the very fabric of societal norms and expectations.

As we delve deeper into the current reality of gendered ageism, we confront a troubling presence of double standards. These double standards come to light when we observe how society assesses older men and women based on their appearance.While older men may be perceived as distinguished or experienced, older women are sometimes seen as less appealing and unattractive. 

Older women frequently experience challenges in the job market. They may encounter difficulties when seeking employment or face ageist and sexist attitudes in the workplace. According to AARP, women over 40 are significantly underrepresented in the workplace, and ageism, coupled with gender bias, can hinder their career prospects. A study published in “Psychology and Aging” found that older women face more age-related job discrimination than older men, especially in high-status jobs.

The media also often perpetuates stereotypes by portraying older women as less relevant or relegating them to limited roles. A report by the Media, Diversity & Social Change Initiative at USC Annenberg found that only 29.3% of female characters in speaking roles in film were 40 years old or older.

Proactive steps to combat gendered ageism are to raise awareness, challenge media stereotypes, promote inclusivity, and advocate for change. You can’t stop progress: all the studies show that women’s leadership, compared with men’s, makes a hugely positive impact on the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet & Profit. 

Are we ready to embrace a future where age and gender don’t define leadership, but wisdom and experience do? How can we collectively support and empower women of all ages to lead the way into this newest iterative era?

We are no longer in the shadows, unseen, unheard. Our sovereignty is not for sale nor will it be relinquished!

Please accept my complimentary mini-book, HerStory, as a token of appreciation for your ongoing support.

Photo by Centre for Ageing Better on Unsplash
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Ageism Awareness Day 2023: Challenging Stereotypes and Fostering Change https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageism-awareness-day/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageism-awareness-day/#respond Wed, 13 Sep 2023 22:26:01 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11179 October 7th is Ageism Awareness Day, reminding us of the pervasive issue of ageism and its detrimental impact on society. The American Society on Ageing has excellent resources if you would like more information or want to get involved.  Ageism is not just a harmless stereotype or societal bias; it has profound consequences for individuals’ […]

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October 7th is Ageism Awareness Day, reminding us of the pervasive issue of ageism and its detrimental impact on society. The American Society on Ageing has excellent resources if you would like more information or want to get involved.

 Ageism is not just a harmless stereotype or societal bias; it has profound consequences for individuals’ well-being, health, and financial security. This day serves as a call to action to address the various forms of ageism and promote a more inclusive, equitable society.

Ageism takes many forms, each with its own damaging effects. Internalized Ageism reflects how aging individuals perceive themselves. Negative self-perceptions of aging can have a profound impact on mental health and overall well-being.  Cultural Ageism includes the everyday, often invisible, negative messages about aging perpetuated in movies, TV shows, songs, jokes, and more. These stereotypes normalize ageism in society.

Implicit Ageism are unconscious biases against different age groups that can lead to discriminatory attitudes and behaviors without individuals even realizing it. Benevolent Ageism, while seemingly well-intentioned, can be patronizing and paternalistic, suggesting that older adults need to be protected or cared for by younger generations. Ageism in Media and Marketing often perpetuates ageist stereotypes by underrepresenting older adults or portraying them in a comedic or stereotypical light. Marketing efforts often neglect the older demographic.

Ageism is far from harmless. It has wide-ranging implications for individuals, the economy, and society as a whole:

Health and Longevity: Research shows that individuals with positive self-perceptions of aging live longer. Ageism can contribute to negative self-perceptions, impacting health and longevity.

Financial Well-being: Older workers face unemployment, hiring discrimination, and limited professional development opportunities, harming their financial security.

Economic Impact: Ageism in the workplace leads to substantial economic losses, estimated at $850 billion in GDP due to involuntary retirement and unemployment among older workers.

Healthcare: Ageism in healthcare can result in less effective care, denial of treatment options, underdiagnosis of conditions like depression, and mismanagement of pain.

Media Representation: Media often portrays older adults in limited, stereotypical roles, perpetuating negative stereotypes about their physical, cognitive, and sexual capabilities.

Marketing and Advertising: Older consumers are underserved and underrepresented in marketing and advertising efforts, missing out on valuable insights and opportunities.

Addressing ageism requires collective effort and awareness. Here are some steps we can take:

Education: Start at a young age by teaching children about age diversity and challenging stereotypes. Create vibrant children’s books—and even books for all stages of life—that have positive depictions and images of older adults.

Media Representation: Advocate for more diverse and realistic portrayals of older adults in media and advertising.

Workplace Equality: Encourage inclusive hiring practices, professional development, and age-neutral policies in the workplace.

Healthcare Reform: Promote awareness of ageism in healthcare and advocate for equitable treatment for all age groups.

Support for Geriatric Care: Recognize the importance of geriatric care and invest in training and incentives for geriatricians and gerontologists. 

Research: Support research on the links between ageism and elder mistreatment to develop evidence-based interventions.

Ageism Awareness Day on October 7th serves as a reminder of the urgent need to combat ageism in all its forms. This deeply ingrained prejudice affects individuals’ health, well-being, and financial security, while also taking a toll on society and the economy. By challenging stereotypes, promoting awareness, and advocating for change, we can work toward a more inclusive and equitable society where age is not a barrier but a source of wisdom and experience.

Where is ageism showing up in your life, family, and community? How will you support Ageism Awareness Day?

Photo by Centre for Ageing Better on Unsplash
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Moving Beyond The Ageist Media Coverage of Politicians https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageist-media-coverage/ https://www.karensands.com/ageless/ageist-media-coverage/#respond Wed, 06 Sep 2023 23:17:01 +0000 https://www.karensands.com/?p=11175 Discussions surrounding the age of political leaders have taken center stage in the media and public discourse. This focus on age is absolutely ageist, harmful, and counterproductive. Let’s delve into the issue of ageism in politics, explore its implications, and suggest a more balanced approach to evaluating political leaders. As we stand at the brink […]

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Discussions surrounding the age of political leaders have taken center stage in the media and public discourse. This focus on age is absolutely ageist, harmful, and counterproductive. Let’s delve into the issue of ageism in politics, explore its implications, and suggest a more balanced approach to evaluating political leaders.

As we stand at the brink of the 11th hour for our planet, our democracy, and our collective future, the need for educational articles becomes increasingly crucial. Rather than perpetuating divisive “isms” that only serve to further alienate and segregate, we must seek content that breaks down these barriers. The challenges we face, both current and impending, require a unified effort from all of us, transcending generations, and rallying around a shared mission. We simply do not have the luxury of time to entertain the persistence of these tired tropes and disguised, covert messages masquerading as impartial media discussions.

One of the key problems in the current political climate is the undue emphasis placed on a leader’s age as a primary concern. Whether it’s President Joe Biden at 80 years old or other older politicians, age is often framed as a big problem. This singular focus on age implies that age alone is a disqualifying factor for leadership.

Age should not be a disqualifying factor. Experience and wisdom can be valuable assets in leadership, and older leaders can bring unique perspectives to the table.

Another issue that arises in discussions about aging politicians is the assumption of cognitive decline without concrete evidence. It’s crucial to remember that cognitive abilities vary widely among individuals, and making sweeping claims about a leader’s cognitive decline based solely on their age is both unfair and unfounded.

Evaluating cognitive abilities should be based on objective assessments, not age-based stereotypes.

The problem of ageism extends beyond the presidency to other politicians as well. Figures like Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi face concerns about their age, with suggestions that he should step down and she shouldn’t run again due to their advanced years.

If they are capable and continue to serve effectively, age should not be a barrier to their leadership. To combat ageism in politics, we must shift the conversation and promote a more balanced approach to evaluating political leaders.

Advocate for responsible journalism that avoids age-related stereotypes and assumptions about cognitive decline without concrete evidence. Media outlets have a crucial role in shaping public perceptions.

Foster inclusive discourse that respects the dignity of individuals, regardless of their age. Ensure that everyone’s perspective is valued and heard, promoting diversity in leadership.

In fact, ​​when we examine the historical context, it becomes evident that the average age of the USA’s founding fathers defies the stereotypes associated with age and leadership. During that era, the average life expectancy for white males was between 35-40 years. However, many founders lived to their 60s-80s, and even into their 90s. 

The perception of older individuals, particularly in their 70s and 80s, as unfit for leadership roles may be based on outdated notions. In contemporary times, individuals in their 70s, 80s, and even 90s can enjoy robust health, greater longevity, and the experience that comes with age.

The discussion about life expectancy and the age of elected officials extends beyond just political leaders. It also has implications for the judiciary, particularly in the case of the Supreme Court and its lifetime appointments. The concept of lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices was established in the United States to ensure their independence from political pressures. However, it has raised concerns about justices serving for extended periods, potentially well into their old age.

One potential solution to address the issue of both political and judicial leaders serving long into their old age is the implementation of term limits. This approach would ensure that age is not the sole determining factor for leadership positions once an individual reaches the voting age.

Term limits offer several advantages. Firstly, they help prevent the undue influence of special interest groups and lobbyists who may seek to maintain long-standing relationships with incumbents. Secondly, term limits promote a sense of accountability, as leaders know their time in office is finite, reducing the risk of complacency or corruption. Further, term limits encourage a continuous influx of fresh perspectives and innovative ideas into leadership roles, which can be particularly important in rapidly changing times.

By implementing term limits, society can create a more dynamic and inclusive leadership landscape that allows individuals of various ages to contribute their skills, experience, and vision to the betterment of their communities and organizations.

Ageism in politics is a concerning trend that hinders our ability to assess leaders fairly and accurately. By shifting the focus from age to qualifications, policies, and performance, we can promote a more inclusive, equitable, and dynamic political landscape. Leaders should be evaluated based on their ability to govern effectively, irrespective of their age. It’s time to combat ageism and embrace a more ageless approach to politics.

Photo by Henry A on Unsplash
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